Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Good Day

That's what today was.

As I stepped onto the elliptical machine at the YMCA,

and my children played (at least somewhat) happily in the Child Watch center,

I had to literally choke back tears of joy...

That I could again exercise to something other than workout DVDs hoping my kids didn't wake up in the middle of said workout DVDs...

That I wasn't walking the same 2 mile stretch of sidewalk in our neighborhood pushing the girls in a stroller while they fight/cry/whine...

I love you YMCA.

I caught up on actually listening to some music.

Derek Webb, to be specific (I know, I'm behind!)...

And the lyrics to one of his songs (all of which I loved, BTW, you might see a few other lyrics pop up in the next few weeks) nearly made me laugh out loud...

From "A King & A Kingdom" by Derek Webb

there are two great lies that i’ve heard:
“the day you eat of the fruit of that tree, you will not surely die”
and that Jesus Christ was a white, middle-class republican
and if you wanna be saved you have to learn to be like Him

my first allegiance is not to a flag, a country, or a man
my first allegiance is not to democracy or blood
it's to a king & a kingdom

What a good day!!!



Exercising alone is something I am so selfish about...I think I'd go seriously insane otherwise! I am SO happy you got some good time by yourself on the treadmill...happy mama = happy little ones :).

Lauren Gyorfi said...

I'm jealous

christy said...

The YMCA and its child watch program saved me. I've dropped many a tearful and thankful comment card into the suggestion box at my local branch.