Ali HATES having to hold my hand to cross streets, so if I'm not lucky enough to find a spot that does not require crossing the street, I either have to:
a. get out the stroller and strap her in it (which might seem like the simplest solution, but some places we go have no place to store a stroller, we won't need it while we're there, etc.)
b. get stuck holding Ava, diaper bag (sometimes 2), purse, anything else we need, and clutching Ali's hand like her life depends on it (which it does) sometimes in the middle of the street b/c she refuses to budge, I can't pick her up, and I can't let go of her hand b/c she will dash into the street. Last Sunday at church, an older lady came up to help us, sometimes its a teen I work with, sometimes a stranger who then proceeds to give me UNWANTED parenting advice. Thank you to the lady who glibly told me maybe I need to change my routine! That little piece of advice helped SO MUCH (not)! But I did appreciate the older lady who encouraged me by telling me that she had one like Ali who's now grown and flies F-18's or some such jet (can't remember the exact letter-numeral combo)...uh, not sure I want Ali to go from peril crossing the street to peril in the skies, but I do want her to turn her strong will toward helping others, that's for sure! I guess I just appreciated the lack of judgment from her...she got it.
So all I can do is pray...pray that I will be patient, wise and strong. Pray that Ali's defiance will be turned to defiance at things that make God angry, things that need to be changed in our world, things that harm people, that she will take that strong will and apply it to doing God's will. Found this prayer the other day, and it's perfect:
"May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people, so that you may work for justice, freedom and peace." A Franciscan Benediction
But she's so darn cute! I am that defiant, strong-willed child. I know it's hard on the parents. You're doing a great job!
Emily you handle it with such grace, I am married to a strong willed man. I love hearing stories from his childhood and I LOVE watching where his strong will has and continues to help him succeed at so many things. The picture with the hat on is just plain adorable.
My oldest son is also strong willed. I honestly only had a second child because everyone assured me that their kids were complete opposites (when they had more than one). Oh my word the whole sleep thing...The child was up in the night at least once & often 2 or 3 times, until he was 3 years old!! I thought I'd loose my mind @ times.
He is still strong willed & most often thinks he knows way more than I do, but he has w/age & some stern discipline grown to be respectful w/his strong will.
I always wanted to offer for those mom's w/their "great" advice--that didn't even have a clue because their child was so docile & not strong willed--to let them try taking mine home for a week or two. I know they wouldn't have lasted a day!
I too pray that our sweet strong willed children will follow God's plan for their lives, and know that if they do God will use them in big ways!
Hang in there.
your parking lot stories sound like Paul 26 years ago.
Oh how I loved him, his independent strong willed nature, and yet wanted to kill him at the same time because I felt so inept at parenting him. But as you know him well today, he no longer runs in the street and his brilliance is a delight as well as his strong will that God turned and developed for His passion.
By the way the light in both girls eyes and the joy, so beautiful!!
Hope to see you all in person soon!
I love this post Emily! She's just as cute as can be! I love your prayer for her - I will definitely start praying this for my little man. I pity coach when they're both on the swim team in 15 years!
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