Monday, June 29, 2009

Visas and Washington, D.C.

Well...we drove to D.C. today to apply for visas, and then found out they cannot process them in one day like all other consulates according to our agency. We have to drive back on Wednesday. Needless to say, it is not what we want to be doing our last few days in the states, but what can we do? We're taking it in stride and we're now thinking of it like a little date for us before we become parents of 2! Craziness.

We're so excited, a little nervous, I'm doing my best to stay calm. We cannot wait to meet our little girl! We will begin our email updates later this week...we're going to send a test one. We figured it would be the easiest way to update everyone, since most of our friends don't seem to "blog" much.

Our to do list is MUCH shorter now:
1. Visas: Our Wednesday drive/date!
2. Pack!
3. Eat and watch some movies these next few nights.
4. Leave SATURDAY!!!!


Kelly said...

Hurray! Hurray! I am so excited for you! Enjoy your date in DC! :) And know that many prayers surround you!

anita said...

So excited with you! Praying for calmness and safety throughout.