Friday, March 5, 2010

Gag Me!!!!!

I'm sorry if you agree with this link, don't take offense to the throw up in my mouth after reading it...I just definitely DO NOT agree with it. I'm researching right now for a series of posts I'm planning on doing about my personal views of women's roles in church, home, life in general...I've had some really funny/frustrating conversations lately that make me really want to do these posts. :) Even though in a few months I will be kicking it old school and staying home, I'm NOT staying home because I believe it is a Biblical mandate...more on that later. (I'm actually kind of reluctant about staying home b/c I really, really disagree that it is a "thou shalt" for women, but my life is about to fit the stereotype of those who do believe it is a "thou shalt.") Ok...enough for now. Read the link. And if you really want to laugh and don't have much time, scroll down to the "What's a Christian Mother To Do All Day?" section where it gives 42 suggestions...I laughed out loud!

Should a Christian Mother Work Outside the Home?


Lady Cayt said...

I guess Beth Moore is in BIG trouble from his point of view!! :) HA! Where is the HEART of God in his words ... he seems to only abide by the law. I dealt with my thoughts on this issues when my college roommate decided to become a doctor leaving her children in hours of childcare ... I trusted her relationship with God and therefore; her opinion. It was this: Being a doctor is what God has called me to do and to honor Him, I must do it. Does that mean she can't be a mother as well? She believes no, and I agree. When we start making rules for each other & judging each other based on a verses that do NOT include commands from Christ, I think we miss the issue. Ok, that's my rant to accompany yours. :) (However, I didn't laugh when I read his list b/c I think all the things he said are good things for those able to do them).


Wow...I'm speechless with how narrow-minded the author of the article seems to be!! One thing I do agree with? Number 12 on the list. I heart naps :).

em and pete said...

I think the "list" are good things to do, too, Leigh, but it made me laugh b/c they are fairly stereotypical things...I love doing some of those things, but also so much more that didn't make the list...and I personally don't know too many stay at home moms who have time to do even half the things on the list. :) You ladies are busy; I most admire how much you contribute to the church body we belong to! Know I appreciate what you're doing!!!

Paul Gyorfi said...

wow! can't wait to show this to lauren. my favorite line (with my favorite part bolded)

"or some reason your children are not home. They are sent to school. You are home alone, what next? Stare at the walls? Right about now comes the temptation to go out and get a job... "

Don't give in! Don't give in to the evil, sinful, and selfish temptation to use your gifts to benefit the world outside your homes!

Kelly said...

oh my goodness! I did laugh! If you did all those things on the list, you wouldn't be able to parent your children. Wow! pretty judgemental. It is sad that he is in a place of leadership and influence...

Lauren Gyorfi said...

All I can say is YIKES!

troubling stars said...

hey emily! Good to see you again tonight - here's my blog info so you can link through

anita said...

Unbelievable ~ and having worked both inside & outside the home, i can say staying home is definitely harder! Kudos to the many women who stay home and are able to be with their kids and kudos to those of us that work and take care of our kids! God blesses us both. :D

MNK said...

W-O-W! What world are these people living in? I am staying at home but I actually feel guilty about staying home and not working :) I guess I'm a double sinner.

- Meesh