Wednesday, January 7, 2009


"The only haven of safety is to have no other will, no other wisdom, than to follow the Lord wherever he leads. Let this, then, be the first step, to abandon ourselves and devote the whole energy of our minds to the service of God." John Calvin

So, in light of several negative comments lately and some not-quite-negative-but-questioning-with-a-negative-message-intended comments regarding our adoption (along the lines of: You're crazy, your family is going to be messed up b/c adoptive kids have hard times sometimes), I found the above quote to be so encouraging and it puts words to what I've been feeling or trying to say in response to some comments. (I'll post sometime about my vent regarding the "Christian bubble" that we so often fail to leave.) Pete and I are convinced that this adoption is God's will for our family. It is not Plan B, it is not second-best, it is not because it is difficult for us to get pregnant. It is what God wants, and we feel a peace and a joy beyond explaining about this child...and the child already feels a part of our family even before we know his or her name or age or birthday! God does not give ANY guarantees to parents, whether they have biological or adopted children or both. We work with teens and have seen messed up kids from every situation, and great kids from every situation. I mean, God is the perfect parent, right, and look at the messes we, His kids, get into every day! God's power and His grace are perfect and all sufficient. We know that, in our family, God is working according to His purposes, and we are willing to submit to His doesn't matter if it means that we might suffer, have broken hearts, experience pain, etc...God called us to have the same attitude of Christ Jesus, who humbled himself and became obedient to death! We can do no less, and we are safe in His hands and His will, no matter what happens! And we're excited. I can't wait to meet our newest child. I really hope that I get to hold him or her this year!!! That's our prayer. Will you pray that with us?


Lady Cayt said...

oh my gosh, who are these insane people who don't understand adoption and the blessing it is and the call God places on some people to do it??!! I'm so sorry you've had to deal with comments and people like that, of course we'll be praying with you. I totally understand the feeling that the child is already out there and a part of your family ... blessings as you wait patiently for God to complete a little more of His work in your hearts and family in the coming year and we can't wait to meet the new member! :)


Emily....BRAVO! I completely and 1000% applaud you for adopting, especially what you said about adoption not being a second-best option. I don't understand why someone would criticize you for wanting to take a lost child and make it your own. People have no problem adopting animals, because they can't think of letting them live in a isn't there even a greater motivation to rescue a child? I think there is some fear of failure...taking another person's child and calling it your own. But biological children can end up messed up too. EVERY child is a gift...and as parents, we are simply called to love each of our children as best we can...the those children turn out, is up to God. We are not the ones in control, He is. Em...the spirit in which you and Pete adopt this child is exactly as it should are an inspiration.

Leppard said...

Hi Emily.... I agree so much with what you are saying. You almost have to feel sorry for the small mindedness of the people who feel the need to make these comments. We have had them from friends and family but as the adoption progressed they have become less. We still get the ignorant comment every once in a while but I think they roll off my back more now. Like you said there are no guarantees in parenting or in life and it is much better to listen to God than to man. He said to look after the orphans. What a calling we have. I look forward to hearing when you get to meet your new son or daughter!!

Christianne Page said...

Even if you were traditionally pregnant right now, people would make comments that would upset you... Creating a family is a very personal thing and yet everyone has an opinion about it, no matter how you go about it. Try to have patience with well-meaning people, even if they tick you off. Once your baby is here, no one will have concerns... they'll just ooh and ahh over your new little one.

Lauren Gyorfi said...

I think so many people expect the boring out of life. Sure what you and Pete are doing is going to present times that are really challenging but the challenging will also be accompanied with breathtaking beauty. When I read your blog I thought of the quote we like so much from Shane Claiborn "All around you, people will be tiptoeing through life, just to arrive at death safely. But dear children, do not tiptoe. Run, hop, skip, or dance, just don't tiptoe." I'm proud of you guys for dancing.

Christianne Page said...

Speaking of safety... thought you'd get a kick out of this video:

christy said...

From my experience there are people who will always have negative things to say about other people's parenting choices. I'm sorry you feel you have to justify this plan for your family.

Mike Leonard said...

yes we will pray for you both and your expanding family. Waiting is hard and yet the perfect child for you is on the way. I enjoy reading your blog and love your thoughts. I love knowing the lives of Paul and Lauren's friends and how to pray for you. so...Yes I/we will pray!

Susan and Mike too