Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Our Angels!

So...drum roll, please...we have our USCIS approval!!!!

Ok, well, it actually seems really anticlimactic to be honest. But, we're still really happy, and it wouldn't have been possible without our two angels. Let me explain. First, I called the USCIS Hague Unit every day for the past 2 weeks with no luck, but last Thursday I finally got a hold of someone who gave me their name (shocker, I know), looked up my file, and said, "Oh. Your file is back on the shelf. [This was AFTER we send in the information THEY requested from us...just some silly statement by our social worker...ok, quote continues] I'll request your file right now. [She did it, right then, on the phone.] My name is Meredith and I'll call you if I have any questions." She called me back and said we're approved and the letter is in the mail. How simple was that, and why didn't anyone else do that? That's all I want to know at this moment. But, thank the Lord for Meredith!!!

Ok, our second angel. On Monday I was bummed that I didn't see the letter in the mailbox, but I figured, be patient. Well, I went out for a walk during lunch because Pete could watch Ali on his lunch break, and when I came home, he handed me THE ENVELOPE. It had been delivered to a neighbor's house. HOW DO YOU MAKE THAT MISTAKE, MR. POSTMAN? Thank the Lord for our neighbor. He told Pete he thought it looked important! Given that it's a huge envelope that says Department of Homeland Security on it. :) Hehe. I wonder what our neighbor thinks of us?

Anyway, good news all around. Yay!


Christianne Page said...

Yay! Congrats on another milestone!

Amy said...

AWESOME!!!!!! God has to throw a little loop in there to keep you on your toes thats all.

MDandRN said...
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MDandRN said...

Holy crap, (I mean: holy cow; haha!!) God is so good!! Glad your patience has paid off, I mean does God look down & laugh at us in situations like yesterday?!? . . . I can't wait to meet my little "poppi" (that's what I'm going to call him/her until we find out). Also, I'm excited to hear & be part of this journey as you (we) learn more about God's perfect timing!!! Love you all!!