On the adoption front...guess what I'm mailing today? Our completed dossier documents (with the exception of our US government approval). Our program coordinator is going to send our documents to Colombia to be translated (after she looks them over...please let them all be correct!!!), and then we'll just fax our approval from the US when it comes. So, we are really close to being done with the majority of the work we have to do...next steps: waiting, reading, praying, enjoying Ali and our family and friends, waiting, applying for grants, saving money...lots to do while we settle in for the long wait for our second child!
Yay, birthday pics! What fun!
Mi querida Emily, Pete, Aliana y sobrina / sobrino a ser . . .
Estoy tan emocionado que todos ustedes son un paso más cerca de ser una familia de cuatro! Pensando y orando por ustedes dos y Ali en esta emocionante nueva fase de la vida ... también orando por mi adorable nueva sobrina / sobrino a ser. Srta terriblemente a todos ustedes!
~ Shelle tía y el tío Jon
[I used the "translate" from google which I was told today is the best by the expert hospital Spanish translator :o) Hope you understand it Em!!!]
How exciting! And I love the top picture of Ali. What a great smile. Hope you're having a great time in Chicago! I'm looking forward to hanging out when you get back.
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