Monday, December 7, 2009

Sick Day Boo Boo

So, Ali woke up this morning decidedly NOT chipper and cheerful

sneezing green snot,

soooo, no daycare, no work...

I attempted to clean during little A's morning nap whilst Ali watched Dora.

Attempt failed.

Toy fell behind our shoe bin,

and in a moment of high energy I bent over to rescue said toy...

...and my forehead caught the window sill

and I now have a 2 inch gash down my forehead.

Lovely. (For the record...I cried, but managed not to I get a cookie?)

Pete actually laughed out loud when he came home tonight.

I wonder what everyone else will do?

Oh...and just to further enforce for you my total loss of sophistication

I have been too lazy the past week to actually bring soap downstairs to my shower

and I have been showering with a Dora loufah and grape scented Dora bodywash!

Yay for motherhood. I love it.



hehe, love your commentary...every day is a new adventure, is it not?! sorry to hear about the gash...hope it heals quickly :). And yes, you most definitely deserve a cookie!

anita said...

Now I know what to get you for Christmas - Dora soap! :D

Hope the gash heals quickly. <3

Kelly said...

good to read your post! Thanks for taking the time to share! So sorry to hear about your sick little Ali and gashed head. I'm not sure if I'd experience the same thing curse free...2 cookies for for your boo-bo, and one for biting your tongue! :)