Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bikes, Braids, and Babysitting

BIKES: Our eldest 2 children now own tricycles (thanks to Mimi and Grandpa!)...and it's so fun to watch them ride them. About the cutest thing ever actually! And for you locals, yes, we know we broke rules at Botanical Gardens...but I don't think our kids were breaking any speed rules on their trikes...and I think tricycles should be excluded from the "NO BIKE" policy. Just saying.

BRAIDS: Ok, ya'll...give me some comment love because I did cornrows in Ava's hair. For those who have never met her...the amazing thing is not the fact that I have learned to's that she actually sat still long enough for 2. We'll see when she'll sit still for more...but I'm practicing. And if I do say so, I think her hair is looking awesome these days!

Ali took this picture of me doing Ava's hair. Ali LOVES to take pictures...and she actually has managed to get some good ones. Thank goodness for digital film, though, right?

This is just here because Kylah is quite possibly the cutest baby ever. And you just had to see her! She is still so zen. God knew I needed an easy baby!!

And for the BABYSITTING part...well...everywhere I go lately I've been, you have your hands full...are you babysitting? Ummm...nope. They're all mine. And I am so BLESSED!

1 comment:

Leppard said...

Ok so I know I told you this in person but GREAT braids. You will be an expert before you know it. I really think God gave me boys for a reason. I can barely tame my own massive mane:).