Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sing with me...

...(to the tune of the Mickey Mouse song):




Here's the story...

So, about 2 weeks ago, we took a family outing to have Kylah's ears pierced. (She looks precious, by the way...but I'm lame and lazy about actually uploading pics, so you'll just have to picture the cutest baby ever, now with earrings, ok?)

In the store, because I'm a wimp about holding my kids down while others inflict pain, Pete was drafted to hold Kylah while the Claire's technician marked where the earrings would go. I started to browse the store with Ali and Ava...Ali, by the way, was in little girl heaven! Oh my, what have I done?

So, you know those loud-cell-phone-talkers that annoy you in public places? There was one in Claire's 2 weeks ago, and she decided to start telling whoever it was she was talking to all about her horror that someone would pierce his baby's ears and how could he do that and she would NEVER do something like that, it's just horrible...Pete couldn't hear her, but I could, cuz, remember, I'm "browsing" the store with Ali and Ava! I looked over at her and she caught my eye. I looked over at Kylah with Pete, turned back to loud-cell-phone-lady and said, "You think we're nuts, don't you?" I so wish I could have snapped a picture of her face at that moment...it was priceless...it was morphing from the horror she had previously been explaining in her cell phone conversation to looking at me and beginning to lump me into the "irresponsible parent" category she had lumped Pete into and then morphed into an embarrassed I just got caught judging someone while they were listening face!!! She looked back at me and shrugged and (with a still priceless, you're horrible face) said, "To each their own." I just looked at her and said, "Yep!"

Ah, I want to laugh just thinking of her face...did I mention it was priceless???

And then, there's another quick story of an adult who complained about kids reading their Bibles on their phones in church...ahhh...just smile with me, folks. I mean, the kids are reading. Their BIBLES! In church.

Two stories to remind us that we have freedom as we follow Christ...we have His word to guide us and then we need to offer grace to each other as we seek to honor Him within the boundaries of His revelation to us, but there is so much variation within those boundaries. Praise God for His creativity in making us all and for His grace in our lives!


Kelly said...

Love Love Love that you called her out! :)

stacy said...

I second Kelly!