Thursday, April 15, 2010

Another Interesting Link can probably tell what I'm interested in, sociologically speaking, but here's an interesting conversation that I'll at least be reading for the next couple days (free mommy time is limited in this house since I have a 2 year old who DOESN'T NAP!). By the way, I read this and many other perspectives because I have to teach my daughter how to react to this ridiculous, maddening racism...the question is HOW? At least I have one definitive thing to worry about as a mom, ha!...all the rest of those mommy "fears" are still unknowns to a large extent. (Written tongue in cheek, of course, because I'd really like to learn how to trust God and not worry, considering that's something He's asked us to do.)

See a potential criminal in every black person (at the blog Stuff White People Do)

1 comment:

Leppard said...

I love that you keep me posted on these things. That is my question as well.. HOW to teach them to respond with grace and yet hold on to their dignity in who they are.