Monday, December 15, 2008

URGH...Revisions Necessary

Hello All who are patiently waiting with us in this adoption process. I went out to check the mail this afternoon on this blissfully warm day in December and saw an envelope from none other than USCIS. Unfortunately, I saw yellow paper peeking at me from the clear little slot in the envelope where our address was. Surely, I thought to myself, they do not put our approval on such paper. I was right. We have officially been told by USCIS that our homestudy lacks one thing: our homestudy preparer's signature with a declaration that she wrote all the information in our homestudy "under penalty of perjury under United States law that..." and then it lists a bunch of fancy language that has to be written verbatim into our homestudy (which, by the way, is already in our homestudy, just not all fancy and at the end with the signature). Craziness.

But the good news is that our file is actually in the process of being reviewed by USCIS. This change shouldn't take too long, and we'll hopefully get our US approval very soon!

1 comment:

Danae said...

Yes you can link us.....where are you from? We have not met to many people that have adopted from Colombia. Would LOVE to hear your story
