Monday, November 3, 2008

Heroes Commentary my blog reading, I came across this interesting take on Heroes. Read and comment if you want to!

For myself...I am constantly reminded of how much I take for granted...I, as a white girl, am always represented in the TV shows I watch, movies I see, books I read, etc. and I don't need to worry about whether or not I will be portrayed favorably--there are enough of my demographic represented that even if there is a villainous white chick, there are plenty of white "heroes" to make up for it. It makes me again dedicated to more critical viewing. It's my job to be a catalyst for change; I know I'm not anywhere near the positive agent for change that I would like to be, but I'm learning (hopefully)...and I want our home to be a place where we discuss these issues.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I am so fascinated by how blindly I watch television. When I read books, I tend to really evaluate the characters, thinking about how they are portrayed, particularly non-white characters. But I haven't even considered the way that people are portrayed on Heroes. Though I don't know that I totally agree with all that they have to say on the blog. I think there are several characters that get too much air time or not enough, and I don't see any correlation in their ethnic background. But that's just my personal preference. I'll certainly pay more attention in a week though.