Monday, July 7, 2008

The Beginning

Lamentaciones 3:22-24

El gran amor del Señor nunca se acaba, y su compasión jamás se agota. Cada mañana se renuevan sus bondades ¡muy grande es su fidelidad ! Por tanto, digo : «El Señor ese todo lo que tengo. ¡En él esperaré ! »

Pete and I have decided to begin an adoption. We couldn't be more excited about growing our family! We want to be able to keep those who want to updated, and we also want to be able to have something to share with our son or daughter someday when they ask to hear their story. We can't wait to share it over and over with him or her!

God's faithfulness is great...even in the midst of sorrow, he brings joy. The sorrow a mommy and daddy must feel when they cannot raise their child, the sorrow a child must feel while they wait in an orphanage for a forever family, the way they miss their mommy or daddy, our sorrow that we won't be able to be there for every single minute of our child's early life...but we truly believe that God can redeem every situation. Out of sorrow, he can create joy. We enter into our adoption process praising God for miracles, but also praying for the day when He will wipe every tear from our eyes and we will rejoice in His physical presence with us.

So, be excited with us...pray with us...we love you all and most of our baby...we love you so much already, even before we know your name, and we can't wait to hold you in our arms. We're praying for you! Love, your Mommy and Daddy and big sister, Ali!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Hi Emily and Pete~
I swam with you both at Wheaton what feels like ages and ages ago... it was really random to get to your blog, but God just steered me there tonight. I had no intention to go blog-reading on old college friends, but I wanted to let you know what an encouragement it was on a day I much needed it! I read every word, thank you for taking the time and energy to share your story! May God be with your family and encourage you. ~alyssa [smith] vikesland (i sort of update