One year ago today we got Ava's referral call...I can't even begin to relive that day without being pretty emotional. I told another adoptive parent friend the other day as I was working on Ava's lifebook that I feel like adoptive parenting is all the same emotions of biological motherhood (although developing differently, for those of you in process who also have biological's a different experience, a different way of adding to your family, but no less miraculous) plus the added layer of emotions from adoptive motherhood. Maybe I'll explain in another post if I can.
We'll also be celebrating Afro-Colombian heritage day along with the nation of Colombia...that is tomorrow! I'm going to make empanadas, while not a traditional Afro-Colombian dish necessarily, and fried plantains. Yummy! I'll have to remember to take pictures and post how I do. Haha. It'll be fun!
I still can't believe it's been a year!!! Ava is our sunshine...I'll have to upload newer pictures from the camera...but here's some spring pictures of our happy, ENERGETIC, little girl!