Merry Christmas a few days late, everyone! We took this on Christmas morning at my parent's house. Ali was feeling a little under the weather, but we managed to get a smiling picture. Christmas was a fun day for us, and crazy. Two other families with young toddlers joined my parents and my brother and sister-in-law for a wild day. I love celebrating with a crowd, though!
I've been dreaming a lot lately about what it will be like when we are a family of four...who knows, maybe next year our Christmas picture will have another child in it! I am content, though, in the waiting. It's been so much work just to get to this point, but I'm so grateful to God that He has given me peace in the waiting. I'm sure a lot of that has to do with your prayers for us. I know He will provide the resources to complete this adoption, the wisdom we need to raise our two kids (maybe more in the future), and His never-ending presence. I was reminded again this Christmas that Jesus is Emmanuel: God-with-us. I know that's "old news" to so many of us, myself included, but wow...I mean, Jesus is with me all the time, wherever I go. So I remind myself to praise Him, and to make my praise glorious for Him, dancing, singing, leaping, praising all day long!